Love. It's the closest thing we have to magic. The Beatles have told us that "All you need is love." Love can make us feel every type of emotion, whether it be happiness or hardship. Dumbledore has taught us that love conquers all. Love is everywhere.
Lately I have been thinking a lot about the reasons that people act the way they do. I think it all leads back to love. Ultimately, we exist because of love, and we have been given our lives to live because God loves us and wants us to be happy.
I think that a parents love for their child can be the strongest type of love that exists. How could God send us, all his Children away from him, to get lost, hurt, and struggle? Because he loves us. He loves us enough to send us away, to have faith in us that we will do whatever it takes to be with him again. How his heart must hurt when he loses his children... yet he remembers all the rest of his Children that need him too, and manages to make us all know of his love for us.
I see God's love all around me every day. I feel his love surrounding me. Life is so exciting and beautiful. How could such beauty not come from God himself to us? Every blessing I have comes from God and his love. I'm so thankful.
Love is a hard thing sometimes. I struggle each day, to not judge anyone -even just a judgmental thought- and to just love my neighbor. I have a new motto for my life this year, which is to ALWAYS ASSUME THE BEST.
Because ultimately.. God loves everyone.. and I trust God. How should I know what someone has in their heart, and how every experience in their life has affected them?
People do stupid things because of love. Fights are caused because people love each other, and want the best for each other. How should I know who someone truly is? You never really know what someone is going through... And you really can't assume. Only God knows the whole story.
I have been struggling understanding same sex marriage. I believe that marriage between a man and a woman is sacred. I believe in the my religion, and in the Family Proclamation. I believe in the plan of happiness. And most of all, I believe in loving Heavenly Parents that want us to be happy.
So I guess I am having a hard time understanding why people can view same sex marriage with such hatred and horror.
I am just deciding that it is my job to love no matter what, even if I don't agree with the choices someone is making. This is a principle I am taking all across the board, in every aspect of life. If I think someone shouldn't be dating or marrying someone, if I think that they have an addiction they should quit, if I think they should go to church, if I think they should be making better life choices. It's not my place. I am just going to love them.
As of tonight I am going to fill every day with love. I am going to reach out to those who could use a little more love. I am going to make sure that the people I love know that they are loved. By me, and by God. I am going to assume the best about every situation and look at it with eyes of love. I want to be able to love unconditionally. How much more pleasant life will be.
Love it :)